abigail's thought cafe
Merry Christmas everyone! It's a mere 6 days until the big day. Is your shopping done? We're down to the very few so we'll be joining the mass of shoppers this week finishing up the last of the details. It's so much more fun to shop for kids. Esp. little Ben as he doesn't know the difference & doesn't ask for everything on TV. Toy departments are fun, as long as you don't mind being run over by frenzied Grandmas. But it really is a joy. Ask me again in a few years & I may have a different answer. :)
Well, I have been tagged by Mindy to answer 5 random things about myself & I really have been working on them. Guy & I were trying to come up with them at dinner the other night (for our anniversary, woo woo!) and we had them, but I've forgotten #'s 4 & 5. So they'll be up soon. promise. Alright, off to answer my son calling for me...
My hiatus
I'm a Mommy! I love it, it was what I was made for.
Today is not the easiest day on a Mommy's heart though. My poor little guy had his first big round of vaccs. this morning and he's been feeling crummy all day.
He had his 2 month check up and his height (currently at 25 1/4 in) is in the 105th percentile! Our doctor congratulated us that our healthy 2 month old is the size of a healthy 4 month old! Yes, the Cleveland Browns & Houston Texans are already fighting over him for next year's team.
Had a lovely time at the Spouse's Retreat this weekend, great time gabbing it up with the girls. Now we're off to Houston this weekend to visit family & bebop around Galveston. Can't wait! I hear my darling boy, off I skedaddle.
Today is not the easiest day on a Mommy's heart though. My poor little guy had his first big round of vaccs. this morning and he's been feeling crummy all day.
He had his 2 month check up and his height (currently at 25 1/4 in) is in the 105th percentile! Our doctor congratulated us that our healthy 2 month old is the size of a healthy 4 month old! Yes, the Cleveland Browns & Houston Texans are already fighting over him for next year's team.
Had a lovely time at the Spouse's Retreat this weekend, great time gabbing it up with the girls. Now we're off to Houston this weekend to visit family & bebop around Galveston. Can't wait! I hear my darling boy, off I skedaddle.
Too Comfy
abigail's thought cafe
Apparently Ben is quite comfy where he is because he doesn't seem to be in any hurry to come out & greet the world. Today is officially week 39- which I had desperately hoped I would never see. So we're in the final countdown which can only include days & no longer weeks. I do give many thanks to the sweet ladies at church who were convinced my doctor had the wrong due date b/c with me so huge how could I possibly go until the end of August?! Well apparently, this is how. Otherwise in good spirits though & my house is certainly clean. Nothing else better to do & no excuse not to do it.
Mom comes down this weekend which I am so excited about I could dance in a circle & piddle on the floor like a puppy. Oh no wait- that's just pregnancy's lack of bladder control. (TMI- sorry folks). At least I'll have delightful company for the last week with her here- can't wait. Drive Momma drive!
Guy & I go in for our appt with the Doc tomorrow- then we have one already scheduled for on the due date next week. (he fills up fast & I wasn't going to take any chances going at the end of the week past my due date- I'm seeing that man when I hit 40 weeks dag nab it!). Apparently if/when we get to the due date, doc will set up a date for an induction. Which I'm not particularly thrilled about, but it's not as if Ben can stay in here forever- despite how desperately he tries!
Alright, off to keep washing windows. No it's not nesting folks, it's just freaking boredom!!! Happy day to all of you out in cyberland.
Apparently Ben is quite comfy where he is because he doesn't seem to be in any hurry to come out & greet the world. Today is officially week 39- which I had desperately hoped I would never see. So we're in the final countdown which can only include days & no longer weeks. I do give many thanks to the sweet ladies at church who were convinced my doctor had the wrong due date b/c with me so huge how could I possibly go until the end of August?! Well apparently, this is how. Otherwise in good spirits though & my house is certainly clean. Nothing else better to do & no excuse not to do it.
Mom comes down this weekend which I am so excited about I could dance in a circle & piddle on the floor like a puppy. Oh no wait- that's just pregnancy's lack of bladder control. (TMI- sorry folks). At least I'll have delightful company for the last week with her here- can't wait. Drive Momma drive!
Guy & I go in for our appt with the Doc tomorrow- then we have one already scheduled for on the due date next week. (he fills up fast & I wasn't going to take any chances going at the end of the week past my due date- I'm seeing that man when I hit 40 weeks dag nab it!). Apparently if/when we get to the due date, doc will set up a date for an induction. Which I'm not particularly thrilled about, but it's not as if Ben can stay in here forever- despite how desperately he tries!
Alright, off to keep washing windows. No it's not nesting folks, it's just freaking boredom!!! Happy day to all of you out in cyberland.
back by popular demand
abigail's thought cafe
Well, back by popular demand, here we are with another exciting adventure in Pregnancy by Proxy. It's been a quiet week here in Brownsboro, my hometown... Actually it hasn't been quiet at all, we've been working our little Texan tails off with VBS every night. Thankfully it's only 3 nights & tonight is our grande finale. I've been heading up the music & singing portion, and as the kids are prone to teasing me, have been dancing around like a monkey. A couple of the other women were worried I was going to shake poor Ben loose a few times, but I assured them my son is much more industrial strength than a few wiggles here & there. We have fun little motions to our Circle G Ranch (where God is in the center & the love never ends!) music which gets the kids all excited & having fun.
Ben's squirming around more & more. He has officially found my ribs & will occasionally use them as target practice. Kinda funny feeling his body parts quite that high on my own body. The other night I found a little foot up near my right rib & as Guy put his hand to feel that little foot, the little foot kicked him! :) That's been a fun new progression. Ben responding to us & when we press around on my tummy & he squirms around in response. btw- today starts month 8- happy us, on the downhill slide now!
Well, back by popular demand, here we are with another exciting adventure in Pregnancy by Proxy. It's been a quiet week here in Brownsboro, my hometown... Actually it hasn't been quiet at all, we've been working our little Texan tails off with VBS every night. Thankfully it's only 3 nights & tonight is our grande finale. I've been heading up the music & singing portion, and as the kids are prone to teasing me, have been dancing around like a monkey. A couple of the other women were worried I was going to shake poor Ben loose a few times, but I assured them my son is much more industrial strength than a few wiggles here & there. We have fun little motions to our Circle G Ranch (where God is in the center & the love never ends!) music which gets the kids all excited & having fun.
Ben's squirming around more & more. He has officially found my ribs & will occasionally use them as target practice. Kinda funny feeling his body parts quite that high on my own body. The other night I found a little foot up near my right rib & as Guy put his hand to feel that little foot, the little foot kicked him! :) That's been a fun new progression. Ben responding to us & when we press around on my tummy & he squirms around in response. btw- today starts month 8- happy us, on the downhill slide now!
So I'm not sleeping well these days, the belly's just too ginormous to get comfy. So my sweet Grandpa decided what I needed was a happy recliner. So here it is, it arrives this afternoon. I promise it doesn't look quite so 80's & Grandfather-y in person. But sitting in it is the best I've felt in weeks. So I don't care really what it looks like, I'm a happy girl. 

New Registry
Ok folks- get ready to giggle at the tree huggers again. My Mom asked for me to put together a registry for our cloth diapers & here it is. They're just too darn cute to me- I particularly love the bug print. :)
Take me out to the ballgame
I love baseball, but this fantasy league might actually be too much for me. My extent of baseball fun generally includes wearing my Cleve Tribe cap & begging for a hot dog or two at my yearly trek to a game. We'll be going to a Rangers game in a couple of weeks with the church (organized by moi). Not particularly thrilled that my summer game has to be a Rangers game, but I suppose it's better than watching the Yankees or the Braves play. Anywho- the fantasy league. There's just too many players to keep up with. Football could be adjusted once a week & that was that. This you have to keep up with every single stinking day. For those of you who are generally surprised that I have any remote idea as to anything relating to professional sports- all I can say is that it's my husband's bad influence on me. Who would have ever guessed, little Abby Stonebraker laboring over fantasy sports leagues... ah well. Go Tribe.
You Are 45% Normal (Somewhat Normal) |
While some of your behavior is quite normal... Other things you do are downright strange You've got a little of your freak going on But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself |
Personality Fun
Your #1 Match: INFP |
The Idealist You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world.Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships.It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close.But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop. You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist. |
Your #2 Match: ISFP |
The Artist You are a gifted artist or musician (though your talents may be dormant right now).You enjoy spending your free time in nature, and you are good with animals and children.Simply put, you enjoy bueaty in all its forms and live for the simple pleasures in life.Gentle, sensitive, and compassionate - you are good at recognizing people's unspoken needs. You would make a good veterinarian, pediatrician, or composer. |
Your #3 Match: ENFP |
The Inspirer You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends.You are also unconventional, irreverant, and unimpressed by authority and rules.Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives.You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're qutie the storyteller! You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist. |
Cleveland Rocks
Let's just take a moment & reflect on the glories of Cleveland & Northeast Ohio. We will be traveling there for my sister's graduation in just a few weeks & is this little mid-westerner at heart ever excited! Granted we're incredibly excited for Lizzie's graduation, but going to Ohio is always cause for celebration. Particularly fun will be the night before Lizzie's grad when the fam goes to see Garrison Keillor & Prairie Home Companion. Guy & I are so excited we could just wiggle like puppies. Granted we'll be sitting in the lawn & at 7 months along I figure I'll resemble a beached whale that somehow made it 9 hours west of the coast, but still. Good times, folks, good times.
So anyway, the glories of northeast Ohio, ah the cooler weather (anything under 95 in June is great with me), the soft grasses (bye bye St. Augestine), and regular uses of the phrases You Betcha, so long, & refering to things as "these ones" or "those ones". I love Ohio. The only thing better is Ohio in September during Yankee Peddler. But alas & alak I may actually have to miss this year. Traveling with a 3-4 week old probably wouldn't be preferable by Dr. So & So Pediatrician. Someone go & eat some apple fritters for me... i love Ohio.
So anyway, the glories of northeast Ohio, ah the cooler weather (anything under 95 in June is great with me), the soft grasses (bye bye St. Augestine), and regular uses of the phrases You Betcha, so long, & refering to things as "these ones" or "those ones". I love Ohio. The only thing better is Ohio in September during Yankee Peddler. But alas & alak I may actually have to miss this year. Traveling with a 3-4 week old probably wouldn't be preferable by Dr. So & So Pediatrician. Someone go & eat some apple fritters for me... i love Ohio.
Just cause
A funny link my Dad emailed to me today. No your computer won't freeze, burn or blow up for clicking the link- it's not a virus or a disease. It's just funny.
Since it's mostly family who reads this anyway, I can confess this here... no we're not crazy, yes we're planning on using them. It's the newest version of cloth diapers & from what we hear they're fantastic! They're earth friendly & save thousands of dollars over the diaper-wearing life of the child. If you're looking for a baby gift- please consider this, we're getting ours from www.cottonbabies.com Hollar if you you have questions or just plain don't get it. :) 

How old am I again?
So an 8 year old told me today I was too old to have a baby. Apparently since all of their parents had them as teenagers, 27 must look freaking ancient. Granted my day is peppered with hot flashes, which makes me wonder exactly which phase of life I'm in, I really thought those started with menopause. ??? Today it got so hot in the lunchroom I thought I was going to lose my cookies right there in front of God & everybody. I know God's seen it- it was everyone else I was concerned with. Again- more pregnancy stuff they don't exactly share with you in all of those books, esp. the ones that come free from the hospital. Although to be said, bawdy & full of bad words though it may be, Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy has got to be one of the all time funniest pregnancy books I have ever read. (& don't you know I've read alot!) I don't know how much bigger the belly is going to get. I feel like I look ready to pop any second. People must think I'm carrying triplets. Although I am eternally grateful that the weight hasn't gained past the belly, it is odd to have the Stonebraker non-butt trying to balance out the massive front belly. Talk about off balance. Look at the pictures, I'm freaking huge! And this is only 6 months, I'm not even in the 3rd trimester yet & that's when it all REALLY goes haywire. [sigh] ok, enough rambling. Quick nap before the nice church people bring me our new microwave. :) ah, I can't wait...
Belly Days
To those of you who apparently think I'm a drama queen- quit your whinning & get your own blog. It's my blog & I'll be as senselessly dramatic as I wanna be. And on that note...
The belly has become an entity in & of itself. More things they don't tell you in the "What to expect..." genre of books. There is me- & then there's the belly. At night I try to turn over & it stays put. It now requires its own pillow & sleep system. Special clothing created just for it, even special lotions to care for it. Ah, who knew... pregnancy.
The belly has become an entity in & of itself. More things they don't tell you in the "What to expect..." genre of books. There is me- & then there's the belly. At night I try to turn over & it stays put. It now requires its own pillow & sleep system. Special clothing created just for it, even special lotions to care for it. Ah, who knew... pregnancy.
So help me...
What is my world coming to? I have traded in nights of culture & afternoons perusing art museums for online blogging & Fantasy baseball. My father is even talking smack to me about sports- when on earth did THAT happen? They say marriage changes your world forever, but this was not in the premarital counseling books. I used to have a clue about the wonderful world of theatre, music & arts and I've traded it in for afternoons at little league soccer & t-ball games- & my kid isn't even born yet! I should just buy the minivan now & be done with it.
Is this not just the coolest pictures. Just need to brag on the sis-in-law here for a sec. Mindy took it, not sure where. (I probably should have been more prepared before I wrote this, but ah well.) That's just an amazing shot & wanted to share. 

It's been a quiet day here in Brownsboro, my hometown... Up to 87 degrees in the shade today- good golly! Hallelujah for air conditioning. I've been experiencing pregnancy hot flashes- they did not cover this in Friends when Rachel was pregnant. I have fans going all over the house & the air is dropped down to artic level- I'm finally getting comfortable. Had another dr's appt yesterday- I kept waiting for Ben to kick the electronic stethescope off my stomach. Perhaps next month. :) Belly ripples are a normal occurence these days & I think I may even be getting adept enough to recognize a foot kick from a hand or elbow. Feet kicks are much more dramatic (who knew- my kid- dramatic?!). 6 months started this week- I feel more justified in my enormous size. For updates on the RAPIDLY growing belly- see the link to belly pics on the lower left of the page. Ok, I should probably have dinner waiting for my happy husband- lest he make me go get a real job.

It's been a quiet day here in Brownsboro, my hometown... Up to 87 degrees in the shade today- good golly! Hallelujah for air conditioning. I've been experiencing pregnancy hot flashes- they did not cover this in Friends when Rachel was pregnant. I have fans going all over the house & the air is dropped down to artic level- I'm finally getting comfortable. Had another dr's appt yesterday- I kept waiting for Ben to kick the electronic stethescope off my stomach. Perhaps next month. :) Belly ripples are a normal occurence these days & I think I may even be getting adept enough to recognize a foot kick from a hand or elbow. Feet kicks are much more dramatic (who knew- my kid- dramatic?!). 6 months started this week- I feel more justified in my enormous size. For updates on the RAPIDLY growing belly- see the link to belly pics on the lower left of the page. Ok, I should probably have dinner waiting for my happy husband- lest he make me go get a real job.
date night
So we went to see The Interpreter tonight. Quite a good movie, might I say. Highly recommended by both me & hubby. We laughed, we cried, it was better than Cats, we'd see it again & again. Best of all- we went to the smaller local theater & it was only $5! Seriously- 5 bucks- gotta love a bargain. Ok, I'm sleepy- good night.
My little conehead
Another first today for big Ben- My stomach now moves when he kicks & pokes. I saw a full prod this morning. Like a little conehead sticking up near my belly button. I do have to say, the second trimester is turning out to be quite entertaining.
First Evening
It's my first evening here in blog central. After a hard day watching my husband and other burly men move furniture around it's back to the old homestead. The dog won't eat & my contacts are scratchy- but otherwise it's a good evening. The moon's bright & the cat's frisky. Saw my belly move today for the first time with Ben kicking. That was quite entertianing. Kinda like watching water ripple after a goldfish swims around. Anywho- enough for tonight. Happy trails to one & all.
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