It's been a quiet day here in Brownsboro, my hometown... Up to 87 degrees in the shade today- good golly! Hallelujah for air conditioning. I've been experiencing pregnancy hot flashes- they did not cover this in Friends when Rachel was pregnant. I have fans going all over the house & the air is dropped down to artic level- I'm finally getting comfortable. Had another dr's appt yesterday- I kept waiting for Ben to kick the electronic stethescope off my stomach. Perhaps next month. :) Belly ripples are a normal occurence these days & I think I may even be getting adept enough to recognize a foot kick from a hand or elbow. Feet kicks are much more dramatic (who knew- my kid- dramatic?!). 6 months started this week- I feel more justified in my enormous size. For updates on the RAPIDLY growing belly- see the link to belly pics on the lower left of the page. Ok, I should probably have dinner waiting for my happy husband- lest he make me go get a real job.
1 comment:
hey - thanks for the nice comments :) It's at the Monterey Bay Aquarium of the jellyfish :)
That's awesome that you are at 6 months. Wow - getting closer!
That's funny about Rachel, somehow her pregnancy didn't seem quite realistic to me either :)
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