So help me...
What is my world coming to? I have traded in nights of culture & afternoons perusing art museums for online blogging & Fantasy baseball. My father is even talking smack to me about sports- when on earth did THAT happen? They say marriage changes your world forever, but this was not in the premarital counseling books. I used to have a clue about the wonderful world of theatre, music & arts and I've traded it in for afternoons at little league soccer & t-ball games- & my kid isn't even born yet! I should just buy the minivan now & be done with it.
Is this not just the coolest pictures. Just need to brag on the sis-in-law here for a sec. Mindy took it, not sure where. (I probably should have been more prepared before I wrote this, but ah well.) That's just an amazing shot & wanted to share. 

It's been a quiet day here in Brownsboro, my hometown... Up to 87 degrees in the shade today- good golly! Hallelujah for air conditioning. I've been experiencing pregnancy hot flashes- they did not cover this in Friends when Rachel was pregnant. I have fans going all over the house & the air is dropped down to artic level- I'm finally getting comfortable. Had another dr's appt yesterday- I kept waiting for Ben to kick the electronic stethescope off my stomach. Perhaps next month. :) Belly ripples are a normal occurence these days & I think I may even be getting adept enough to recognize a foot kick from a hand or elbow. Feet kicks are much more dramatic (who knew- my kid- dramatic?!). 6 months started this week- I feel more justified in my enormous size. For updates on the RAPIDLY growing belly- see the link to belly pics on the lower left of the page. Ok, I should probably have dinner waiting for my happy husband- lest he make me go get a real job.

It's been a quiet day here in Brownsboro, my hometown... Up to 87 degrees in the shade today- good golly! Hallelujah for air conditioning. I've been experiencing pregnancy hot flashes- they did not cover this in Friends when Rachel was pregnant. I have fans going all over the house & the air is dropped down to artic level- I'm finally getting comfortable. Had another dr's appt yesterday- I kept waiting for Ben to kick the electronic stethescope off my stomach. Perhaps next month. :) Belly ripples are a normal occurence these days & I think I may even be getting adept enough to recognize a foot kick from a hand or elbow. Feet kicks are much more dramatic (who knew- my kid- dramatic?!). 6 months started this week- I feel more justified in my enormous size. For updates on the RAPIDLY growing belly- see the link to belly pics on the lower left of the page. Ok, I should probably have dinner waiting for my happy husband- lest he make me go get a real job.
date night
So we went to see The Interpreter tonight. Quite a good movie, might I say. Highly recommended by both me & hubby. We laughed, we cried, it was better than Cats, we'd see it again & again. Best of all- we went to the smaller local theater & it was only $5! Seriously- 5 bucks- gotta love a bargain. Ok, I'm sleepy- good night.
My little conehead
Another first today for big Ben- My stomach now moves when he kicks & pokes. I saw a full prod this morning. Like a little conehead sticking up near my belly button. I do have to say, the second trimester is turning out to be quite entertaining.
First Evening
It's my first evening here in blog central. After a hard day watching my husband and other burly men move furniture around it's back to the old homestead. The dog won't eat & my contacts are scratchy- but otherwise it's a good evening. The moon's bright & the cat's frisky. Saw my belly move today for the first time with Ben kicking. That was quite entertianing. Kinda like watching water ripple after a goldfish swims around. Anywho- enough for tonight. Happy trails to one & all.
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