
I know it doesn't look that much different than 5 weeks ago, but the belly grows on & on & on... Me at 31 happy go lucky weeks!  Posted by Hello

back by popular demand

abigail's thought cafe

Well, back by popular demand, here we are with another exciting adventure in Pregnancy by Proxy. It's been a quiet week here in Brownsboro, my hometown... Actually it hasn't been quiet at all, we've been working our little Texan tails off with VBS every night. Thankfully it's only 3 nights & tonight is our grande finale. I've been heading up the music & singing portion, and as the kids are prone to teasing me, have been dancing around like a monkey. A couple of the other women were worried I was going to shake poor Ben loose a few times, but I assured them my son is much more industrial strength than a few wiggles here & there. We have fun little motions to our Circle G Ranch (where God is in the center & the love never ends!) music which gets the kids all excited & having fun.

Ben's squirming around more & more. He has officially found my ribs & will occasionally use them as target practice. Kinda funny feeling his body parts quite that high on my own body. The other night I found a little foot up near my right rib & as Guy put his hand to feel that little foot, the little foot kicked him! :) That's been a fun new progression. Ben responding to us & when we press around on my tummy & he squirms around in response. btw- today starts month 8- happy us, on the downhill slide now!


Here is a picture from Guy's Ordination night with me & my parents. Woo Hoo to Preacher Tenure!  Posted by Hello